Didn't finish this one. The main mechanic is not implemented :(

The idea was pretty intriguing, but I did overrate my possibilities. May be will return to it later.

Goal & rules

You are a guard bot on the scrap spaceship. You are trying to find your creators.

You can expand your ship by joining extra rooms near existing ones using the terminal. But be careful, it may contain anything.

You can build more accelerators (thrusters) to speed up the sheep and get to the destination. (Not implemented)

You can use the explosive to destroy the room and detach sections that are not needed. (Not implemented properly)


  • W-S-A-D - Movement
  • J - Build / Shoot / Plant the explosive
  • K - Open build menu


Game by: @aweelex

Music by: mr.ays


Scrap.zip 21 MB

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